The First Years Jet Stroller Review

The First Years Jet StrollerThe First Years Jet Stroller is a great choice if you travel a lot and don’t want the hassle of taking your bigger stroller with you. If you’re a frequent flyer, or you take the subway a lot, this model will be a lifesaver. It’s lightweight, folds easily and most importantly, is comfortable for your little one. As a frequent traveler myself, I know how frustrating it can be trying to keep track of your luggage, calm a crying baby and patiently explain to the airline check-in employee that yes, you really do want to check in that big bulky stroller, and no, you didn’t realize that it was over the weight limit and you’d have to pay extra.  Let’s just say that wasn’t a great start to our last vacation!  I wish I’d known about this stroller at the time, but as they say, live and learn. The really nice thing about this stroller is that it has a double set of wheels on both front and back, making it easy to maneuver just about anywhere. It comes in a variety of colors and looks pretty good, as strollers go.

Table of Contents
Features       Handles, Wheels & Brakes       Storage       Seats       Size, Dimensions & Weight
Colors       Pros & Cons       Reviews & Ratings


SideviewThe stroller has an adjustable canopy, but no viewing window. The canopy is not as large as other models, but it will still protect your child from the elements. It is removable as well; you can also choose to fold it back when you don’t have a need for it.  There is a parent’s organizer/tray that will hold small items like boarding passes and keys. While the handle bar is not adjustable, it is taller so dads like me don’t have a problem pushing it (I’m just over 6′). It also has the wonderful ‘one hand fold’ feature that makes it easy to handle when you have your hands full. It fits easy in just about any trunk, even economy size. The stroller also has an adjustable 5-point harness, something many lightweight strollers don’t have. This makes sure your child stays safe and secure at all times.

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Handles, Wheels and Brakes

As mentioned, the handlebars sit up a bit taller than other models, so tall people won’t have any problems pushing the stroller. Unfortunately, they are not adjustable. The stroller comes equipped with larger wheels, at 6” in diameter and there are 2 sets of double wheels in both the front and the back. This makes it easy to go over any surface, including gravel, grass, dirt and asphalt. The rear brakes are easily engaged with the tap of your foot. Just push the red lever down on each set of wheels and the stroller will lock into place.

The Jet Stroller Wheels

Left: Front Wheels / Right: Rear Wheels

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Parent Tray Located At Handlebar

Parent Tray Located At Handlebar

The First Years Jet Stroller has two separate storage compartments. One is a large basket on the bottom which can hold larger items like a diaper bag. The other storage compartment is a parent’s organizer by the handle bars. It can hold smaller items like wallet, keys, cell phone and maybe a few extra wipes. If you stop for a latte or bottle of water, you’ll have to hold onto it, as there are no cup holders. You can probably put a water bottle in the organizer as long as the lid is securely fastened. It can also fit a few snacks for those times you’re running late and dinner has been pushed back an hour. It definitely doesn’t have the large storage capacity of other strollers, but considering this is meant to be a compact alternative for traveling with, one has to make some sacrifices.

The First Years Storage Basket

Bottom Storage Basket

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Seat With 5 Point Harness

Polyester Seat With Five-Point Harness

This stroller has a multi-recline feature, although it does not recline all the way back. It is enough, though, to keep your child comfortable if he or she falls asleep, so they can stay asleep. The seat is made of polyester and wipes clean with a damp cloth and mild dish soap. The seat has a wider base, making it more roomy and comfortable to sit in. According to the manufacturer’s recommendation, the stroller can hold a child up to 50 pounds.

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Size, Dimensions and Weight

The First Years Jet Stroller weighs only 11 pounds, with dimensions of 30” x 19” x 39.5” (length, width, height). When folded the dimensions are 48” x 12” x 11” (height, width, depth). This makes it easy to fold, using the one-handed folding system, and popping into the trunk. Whether you have a Hummer or a Ford Focus, you’ll find plenty of room for storing the stroller.

Even the smallest hotel room can accommodate this stroller. It will easily fit into a closet or behind the door without getting in the way.  The aluminum frame is quite sturdy, something not all lightweight strollers can boast about. You will have peace of mind knowing your child is safe and secure in this one.

The First Years Stroller When Folded

The First Years Jet Stroller – Folded

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Available Colors

Green Pink Butterfly Red
City Chic Navy Stones
City Chic

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The First Years Jet Stroller comes with a limited one-year warranty. This covers the basic elements such as parts and labor. It does not cover misuse or mishandling, normal wear and tear or breakage due to not following manufacturer’s instructions.

The 6” double set of wheels on the front and back make it easy to maneuver, whether indoors or out. This stroller can handle a trip to the mall or an afternoon of hiking over rough terrain.

The one-handed folding feature makes folding the stroller and storing it a snap. As any parent knows, when you have a child, two hands are never enough.

The canopy is adjustable and removable, so it will keep your child protected on those sunny or windy days; on cloudy days you can remove it so it’s out of the way.

The 5-point harness is something that every stroller should have. It is easily adjustable on this model and keeps your child secure in their seat at all times.

It is available in a variety of colors, including red, pink, black, green, navy, etc.

It is very reasonably priced, so using it as an alternative stroller for traveling or quick trips to the store is not cost prohibitive and will fit most budgets.

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The canopy does not have a viewing window. You’ll have to push the canopy back or bend down and check on your child. This is not a huge imposition, but it’s nice to be able to see your child while you’re pushing the stroller.

There are no cup holders for parents. As someone who is constantly drinking coffee and lattes, I can’t imagine not having a cup holder.

There is no child tray. This is okay for younger kids but as they get older, they’ll want something to occupy them like toys, snacks and drinks.

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Consumer Reviews and Ratings

Most consumers who have purchased The First Years Jet Stroller are extremely pleased. They are giving it great reviews for its lightweight and folding features. Many say that it is easy to maneuver and several have said they’ve used it while traveling on a plane, with very little effort. Some say that they wished the seats reclined further, into a full recline position; and others have said the canopy is a bit on the small side. All in all, though, this is a great stroller for those on the go.

Click here to read more:  The First Years Jet Stroller Review

Average Consumer Rating: 4.4/5

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The First Years Jet Stroller Features

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  1. Well.. My jet stroller shells just broke. Does anyone know who to contact for the warranty? I am unable to find the website

  2. ^My jet stroller wheel just broke *

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